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September 10, 2012 Monday


Spanish 1

Start Unidad 1 Lección 1. Reading in pairs pages 28-29. Pages 30-31. Questions and discussion. Introduction of vocabulary. Presentación de vocabulario pp. 32-33. Homework – study vocabulary pages 32-33 (english on page 51)


Spanish 2

  1. warm-up – review stem-changing verbs.
  2. Lab practice for test. See below.
  3. Homework- worksheet with stem-changing verbs.
  4. Test on Thursday. All missing work must be in by then for credit (with late pass)


  1. Click on link from Maestra’s website. Choose World Language High school, Nebraska and go. Choose Avancemos 2. Click on @HomeTutor.
  2. Type in your first name, choose level B and Lección Preliminar.
  3. Select Gramática. Practice the following activities.

Práctica 1 :  activities 1 and 2

Práctica 2 :  activities 1 and 2

Práctica 3 :  activities 1

Práctica 4 :  activities 1

Práctica 5 :  activities 1 and 2

Práctica 6 :  activities 1 and 2 and 3

Práctica 7 :  activities 1 and 2

Práctica 8 :  activities 1 and 2

Práctica 9 :  activities 1

4. Select Vocabulario

Práctica  :  activities 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

5. Click on these links and play Rags to Riches:

-ar, -er, -ir verbs :

ir + a + infinitive:

6. Click on Study Spanish link

Click on Verb Drills – under Lesson Topics, present tense –

Activity 6. Stem-changing e to i  – click to generate unique quiz, choose 15,

and no vosotros – practice until you have 100%

Activity 7 Stem-changing e to ie click to generate unique quiz, choose 15,

and no vosotros – practice until you have 100%

Activity 8 stem-changing o to ue. click to generate unique quiz, choose 15,

and no vosotros – practice until you have 100%








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