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October 27, 2011 Thursday

Spanish 2

Warm-up with the preterite tense. Homework completion credit given and answers discussed. DVD and worksheet about Diá de los Muertos.


Spanish 1

Warm-up with tener que. Discussed Formative quizzes from earlier in the week and the summative time quiz tomorrow. Notes on –ar present tense verbs. Act. 11 p. 97 as a class. Students did Act. 12 on their own and we discussed the answers. Verb chart passed out for students to put all the verb conjugations that we’ve had. Tener and Ser, and then Hablar which we took notes on. Students are to complete the chart with the conjugations of  llegar, contestar, enseñar, necesitar, tomar and usar (all regular –ar verbs) for homework practice. Due tomorrow.

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