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October 4, 2011 Tuesday

Spanish 2

  1. Text books checked out. Students should cover their text and bring it to class every day. Periodic checks will be done for if have text and it’s covered.
  2. Review direct object pronouns. Notes on indirect object pronouns and in class practice.
  3. Homework – ½ worksheet – gramatica A p. 46.


Spanish 1

  1. Warm-up review with indefinate articles.
  2. Text books checked out. Students should cover their text and bring it to class every day. Periodic checks will be done for if have text and it’s covered.
  3. Worksheet – adjectives. Complete by tomorrow. Worksheet name – Si tienes/adivinazas.
  4. Test over Unidad 1- lecciones 1 and 2 on Friday. Any missing work should be completed and turned in with attached late pass in order to receive credit by Friday Oct. 7.

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