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Monday through Wednesday December 13-15, 2010

Spanish 2

Speaking practice in pairs with all the themes that we have learned this semester. Notes on preterit –er and –ir verbs and several irregulars. Work with primer paso vocabulary and así se dice phrases. Text Activities pages 133, 134, 136 in Text. Game to practice new verb tenses. Verb worksheet to practice preterite – points given for completion.

There will be 2 to 4 quizzes in the last few weeks of the semester. Be prepared for pop vocab or verb quizzes! These are a GREAT way to raise your grade and prepare for the comprehensive Semester Final in January.

Spanish 1

Game to review of  verb conjugations this semester. All –ar verbs, ser, estar, jugar, students should also remember ir – voy, vas, va, vamos, van and gustar. Work with primer paso Chapter 5 vocabulary and flashcards given to students to cut out and write the English meaning on the back. Work with p. 145 in text book, Answering in class questions and sentence practice. Workbook pages 37 and 38. Act. 3 p. 38 for credit. Time given in class to complete.

Students should  be ready for 2 to 4 quizzes in the last few weeks of the semester. Be prepared for pop vocab or verb quizzes! These are a GREAT way to raise your grade and prepare for the comprehensive Semester Final in January.

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