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Tuesday September 7, 2010

Spanish 2

1. Warm-up – What going to do in 5 years? Editing, use for speaking credit. Collected for points.

2. Discuss Quiz 1   Chapter 1 Test on Friday. Any late work must be completed before the Test.

3. Así se dice p. 21  ¿te acuerdas?

4. Mini-projects – cut out pix 3 things like/love, 3 things don’t, 4 things your friends/family like or don’t like

We will use these for writing activity tomorrow in class.

Homework – Finish finding 10 pictures and bring to class. Test on Friday.

Spanish 1

1. Overhead warm-up – greetings

2. Flash cards as a class, meaning and pronunciation. Also partner practice with vocab.

3. Large cards as a class –Talked about classifying the vocab from paso 1, p. 45.

4. p. 25 tú y yo , gramática wth overhead

workbook p. 4 Act. 8 as a class, Act. 15 Textbook with partner and shared as group.

Homework – pp. 3-4 workbook 5 minutes given in class to work on.

Quiz Thursday

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