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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Spanish 2

1. Warm-up and discussed noun/adjective agreement.

2.  Pronounced Vocabulary on p. 33, as well as numbers, colors, family members and additional descriptive words. Students were given stickee notes to mark the pages of vocab and additional vocab.

3. Reading and Writing- Act. 6, practiced introductions, how old some one is and where is someone from. Act. 7 – practiced the same skills in a speaking activity with 3 people and then students were given the opportunity to introduce one of their group members to Maestra for speaking points.

Homework – Workbooks distributed. Students should write their name in their workbook. Pages 1-2 are due for tomorrow.

Spanish 1

1. Warm-up – famous hispanohablantes – famous Spanish speakers – discussed.

2. Names in Spanish, p.5- discussed pronunciation and listened to native speaker on CD. Name chain activity– speaking practice in Spanish – me llamo……, my name is ……….

3. El alfabeto – the Spanish alphabet. Pages 6-7. Discussed the differences and listened and pronounced as a class. Did listening/writing Act. 6. p.7 – writing a name as it is spelled.

Homework – Studentsand Parents/Guardias are to read yellow academic integrity sheet, print and sign their name and date. Return bottom portion of the page to Maestra.

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