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Wednesday March 10, 2010

Spanish 1

1. Discussed Chapter 7 Test. Students were to take note of what they did well on and what they need to study/practice more. 2. Reminder sheets of student missing work were distributed. All work needs to be completed by Wed. March 17. 3. Poetry projects were completed and turned in. 4. When students completed their poem project individual students were reminded again of their missing work, many chose not to take advantage of the class time to take care of it.

Spanish 2

1. Interview assignments collected. 2. Discussed culture from Tuesday’s video clip. 3. Discussed Quiz 7.2 format. 7.2 Quiz is on Friday. 4. Reminder sheets of student missing work were distributed. All work needs to be completed by Wed. March 175. Students read, mi cuidad books in Spanish with partners for points and discussed the meaning of what they read. 6. Worksheet completed about part of the book. This was collected for points, students needed to have written complete Spanish sentences using the imperfect and current vocabulary.

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