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Friday February 26, 2010

Spanish 1

1. Verb review, both verbs and conjugating

2. Verb Quiz

3. Act. 22 p. 215 – written and collected. I looked at 7 and 8 as students were done and mentioned corrections that needed to be made.

Homework – before you come back on Monday, study and memorize the grammar points for this paso. Ir+a+infinitive, Pensar + infinitive, writing sentences with reflexive verbs and changing the pronoun Quiz 7.2 Tuesday.

Spanish 2

1. Collect homework for points. Applications for Spanish ¾ collected.

2. Speaking on overhead for points. (4 minutes)

2. Vocab p. 219 primer paso, pronunciation and meaning.

3. ¿Conoces bien tu pasado? P.195 Read, Write and discuss Act. 6

4. Verb Chart and notes on imperfect tense. –ar, -er, -ir, ir, ver, ser, hay

6. Info about presentation on Tuesday and grading rubric

Homework – Sunday night –memorize imperfect tenses and vocabulary.

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