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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Spanish 1

1. Met in lab and worked on creation of an avatar that students will add their voice to for speaking points using the writing about themselves from the Chapter 3 project.

Following are the instructions so you can add your voice outside of class.

Español 1 – Voki speaking project – about me

1. Go to

2. If you already have set up an acct. then fill in your email and password. If you haven’t, then you need to register, check you email and click on the activation link and then sign in.

3. Click on create a new voki, wait for it to load.

4. Customize your character. Click on the boxes that are to the right of the larger picture. From the drop down box you can choose male, female, all. Using the arrows you can move through other options such as randoms, edgy, anime, etc. Try and create a voki which looks like you. You can also choose hair, facial features, clothes and bling. Click the X at the top of the box when you have your physical voki made.

5. You can also then choose the background you prefer.

6.  In order to save your voki, you will have to publish it, but first you have to add some text. If you aren’t ready to record then type in a few words in any language in order to save your voki. You can go back later and add your voice in. You will need to add text with the text box and then publish. You will have to give your voki a name. Please use your name and class period as you will email me your final project and I need to have your name in order to give you speaking credit!!

6. Give it a voice.

Click on the telephone. Do not type in your phone number, click on the call the old fashion way. Write down the 800 number and the passcode. You can use a landline or cell phone. Follow the prompts. Have your script in front of you and speak the best Spanish possible. Listen to your recording and then save.

7. Return to the computer and click save, label it with your name and class period and publish. Wait.

8. Click on send to a friend. Send to Make sure you fill in your name, the subject and type something in the message box. Again, you have to identify your voki/email with your name and class period.

Due via email to Maestra – Friday, Nov. 13th. If you don’t have access to computer at home, then you need to go to the library, media center or come in after school. Speak to me by Thursday Nov. 12th if you have a problem with this so we can make arrangements.

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