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Tuesday Oct. 6

Spanish 1

1. Warm up act. Overhead NB#28 Tuesday
2. Go over infinitive worksheets – glue in NB #30
3. Discuss Quizzes 2.2 – students took notes on how they did on each section NB# 31
4. Listening act. 27 p. 61 NB#32 (on the back f the worksheet #31)
Homework Workbook pp. 16-17 5 minutes given to start in class.

Test Friday.

Spanish 2

1. Points given for completion of A ver si puedo p. 60 (this is the Chapter Test review). Those who had it complete, checked their answers.
2. Computer review. Students were to take the info sheet home so they can practice more if they have internet access.

Test tomorrow.

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