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Article of the Week


Each week in Geoscience, we will look at a news article that relates to something we are learning about in class. Each day of the week will have a specific task pertaining to the article that you will have time to complete at the beginning of class. At the end of the week you will hand in completed article summaries that contain the information listed below. Each article summary will be worth 4 Summative Points. You will complete several of these over the course of the semester. It may also be necessary for you to work on your summaries at home if you are unable to complete the work in the time given to you in class.

 Monday: Read the article

Tuesday: Define at least 2 vocabulary words from the article you do not know.

Wednesday: Write main idea and supporting key points. Incorporate at least one of the vocabulary words from Tuesday.

Thursday: Add in how does this article relate to what we’re learning in class

Friday: Peer review/polish up summaries. Turn in by Monday.



Article of the Week Rubric Full Point Half Point Zero Points
Tuesday You find at least 2 vocab words and define them. You have only 1 vocab word defined. You have zero vocab words defined.
Wednesday The main idea of the article is clearly summarized and your supporting details highlight they key points of the article. The summary is in your own words and not copied straight from the article The article is summarized but some key points are not addressed or the main idea is not clear. Some parts may be copied and not in your own words. The article summary is unclear and/or it is copied straight from the article.
Thursday You are able to make a direct connection between the article and what we are learning in class. The connection between the article and what we are learning is not clearly stated. Student has not made any connections between the article and what we are learning.
Friday Your final article summary is well written and mostly free of grammatical and spelling errors. The summary contains main idea and key points from the article, connection to Earth Science, and contains 1 of the defined vocab words from Tuesday. Your final article summary is well written but may contain some spelling or grammar errors. The final summary contains most of the necessary components but may be missing 1 or 2 of them from above. The final article summary contains multiple spelling or grammar errors.   The summary is missing multiple components from above.